米苏姐姐 其实只不过是个管理员 一直在帮我们美食辛苦工作,希望提拉米苏当美食老板,提拉米苏加油~
常听人们说小笼包美味可口,我却从没尝过,也不知是啥味道。这天下午,爸爸妈妈带我来到小笼包子店让我开开眼界,饱饱口福。那天终于如愿以偿了.小笼包一个个白生生,皮薄薄的,里面好象有一包汁水在,小笼包小巧玲珑,形似宝塔,呈半透明壮,晶莹透黄,宝塔顶上一阵阵香气随风四溢,形状也和包子差不多,难怪叫小笼包。小笼包以上一般都是一笼里面有十个,每个都是圆鼓鼓的像一个个小雪球似的,只不过上面有一个凹凸不平的地方,还没上来我就被这香气熏得如痴如醉了。真恨不得把整个蒸好的小笼包一口吞掉。 一笼小笼包上来了,我坐在椅子上,刚蒸完的小笼包发出了一丝淡淡的香气息。一闻到这种香气息,我就忍不住要去大口大口的吃它了。刚夹起一个 “小胖墩”塞进嘴里,它就开始反 抗。 我这时肚子正饿得咕咕叫,恨不得将嘴巴变大,把四笼小笼包一口吞下去。于是我就用筷子小心翼翼地夹起小笼包,因为轻咬了一小口,汁水就像千军万马往我嘴里奔跑。我把它沾一点醋,轻进我的嘴里,肉馅又松又软,只要一嚼,它的肉就一下子松了下来,鲜美无比 妈妈说:“吃小笼包应该先醮点醋,轻轻咬一个洞,把里面鲜美的汤汁吸干,再吃皮和肉。小笼包的美味精华就在汤汁里。我按照妈妈的方法吃,汤汁鲜、皮薄肉嫩,真是好吃极了。果然,小笼包一会儿不吃不知道,一吃忘不了。我狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。它的肉非常十足,咬一口鲜鲜的,浓浓的,咸咸的,让你吃了还想吃。于是我又缠着妈妈去买一客,当阿姨笑盈盈端来后,我又怎能放过呢?吃了一个又一个,在吃得满口流香,砸咂嘴,不住称赞道:“美!真是美味之极。”一眨眼,又被我消灭了,摸了摸鼓鼓的小肚子,添添嘴,余兴未了。 怎么样,心动了?西东不如行动,去吃吃你们家乡的小笼包吧!
英语版:The delicacy of the small steamed bun Often hear people say the small steamed bun is delicious, but I've never tasted, also don't know is what taste. This afternoon, the father mother took me to the small steamed stuffed buns shop let me open mind, full the luck to eat STH delicious. That day finally arrives. The small steamed bun a BaiShengSheng, skin thin, it seems like a pack of juices in, the small steamed bun is small and exquisite, looks like a pagoda, translucent strong, glittering and translucent through yellow, on top of the pagoda with the wind waves of fragrance 4 excessive, shape and steamed stuffed bun about, no wonder that the small steamed bun. The small steamed bun above are generally a cage there are ten, each is like a light snow ball of bulging like, but it has an irregular place, haven't come up I was this smell like fumes. Wanted to put the whole steamed the small steamed bun a swallow. A cage the small steamed bun came up, I sit in a chair, just steamed over of the small steamed bun issued a faint fragrance breath. A smell this kind of sweet breath, I cannot help to pull at eat it. Just pick up a small PanDun tucked into his mouth, it begins to the fight. I then stomach is growling, very anxious to will become big mouth, four cage the small steamed bun a swallow. So I use chopsticks carefully clip small steamed bun, because a small bite the mouth, juices like an army to run in my mouth. I put it on a bit vinegar, light into my mouth, meat and loose and soft, as long as a chew, its meat are suddenly loose down, is delicious and clinking mother said: eat small steamed bun should first Jiao some vinegar, gently bite a hole, the delicious soup blot inside, then eat skin and meat. The small steamed bun delicious essence in the soup. I according to the mother's method, eat fresh soup, thin skin tender meat, is really terrific. Sure enough, the small steamed bun a while don't eat not to know, eat forget. I wolfed down up. It's very real meat, a bite of fresh fruit, thick, salty, let you eat also want to eat. So I also bothering my mother to buy a guest, when aunt XiaoYingYing carry to come to, I how can pass? Eat and eat, in full flow sweet, smashing licking not praise, way: beautiful! Is really delicious pole. The blink of an eye, and I destroyed, touched the bulging belly, add more mouth, YuXing contrite. How, has a crush?! East than action, to eat your hometown of small steamed bun!!!!
我只吃过一次肉骨头粥。 那是江南冬日的一个星期日的早晨,一向节俭的舅母突然提出带我去吃肉骨头粥。我受宠若惊,一路屁颠屁颠地紧跟在她身后,生怕她又突然改变主意。 沿着青石板路,穿过熙熙攘攘的菜市,拐进一条小巷。远远看见一个小铺子飘出阵阵白雾,还听到铁勺敲锅沿的声音。舅母领着我走进这间铺子,铺子里已经座无虚席。大家都在唏哩哗啦地喝这叫肉骨头粥的东西,好象这东西真的很好吃。 老板娘把我们领进里间的灶旁,满脸歉意地说:“就在这里吃吧。”老板娘是一个40来岁的女人,头发齐耳,一丝不苟地用黑色的发卡别在耳后。我生怕舅母临阵脱逃,赶紧自做主张说:“可以可以。”结果招来舅母两个白眼。“好吧,来一碗肉骨头粥。”老板娘一手抄起大铁勺,一手揭开大锅盖,顿时一股热浪席卷着肉粥的香味扑鼻而来。她用大铁勺在锅里搅了搅,盛了一大碗粥递给我。这碗粥是灰白色的,米已经煮得不见原形,粥面上还点缀着几小块肉骨头。我小心翼翼地尝了尝,嗯,香香糯糯,黏黏呼呼。真的不需要“吃”,只要喝就行了。我就这样站在大灶旁,端着大碗,呼啦呼啦地喝着有生以来第一次肉骨头粥。最后还像小狗一样把那几块肉骨头啃得干干净净。那碗粥花了舅母5分钱。 后来,舅母告诉我,煮肉骨头很麻烦。先要把肉骨头(连着些肉的骨头)煮上几小时,然后再把新米淘好放进去,再煮。不能煮焦,关键是要掌握火候,细火慢熬才行。最后放上盐和味精。所以,一般家庭是不做肉骨头粥的,费时费力还不经喝。她还警告我,街上的肉骨头粥不能多吃,因为有的老板为省钱把客人吃过的骨头,又重新放进锅里煮。也不知她说的是真是假。反正从那以后,我再也没有吃过肉骨头粥,不是因为害怕不卫生,而是口袋里的钱还不够分配的呢。 不过,我还是经常到那家肉骨头粥铺去,主要是想看看她们怎么处理吃完的骨头的。可老板娘好象明白我的意图,总是笑眯眯的招呼我:“小姑娘,来吃一碗啊。”然后,我撒腿就逃。
英语版:Meat bones porridge I only had a meat bones porridge. It is a winter south on Sunday morning, always frugal aunt suddenly put forward to take me to eat meat bones porridge. I'm flattered, all the way to the fart dian fart to follow behind her, for fear that she and suddenly change his mind. Along the green flag road, through the bustling vegetables city, turn into an alley. Far from a small workshop saw savoir the white mist, also heard iron spoon knock the voice of the pot. Her aunt took me into this workshop, the shop is completely full. Everyone in a: hey li hua to drink this call meat bones porridge thing, as if this thing is really nice. Wife of shop-owner take us into an inside of the kitchen, a full face of apologized to say: is here to eat. Wife of shop-owner is a 40 years old woman, hair's ears, scrupulously with black hairpin don't behind their ears. I fear retired from her aunt, hurriedly since the family zhang said: can you can. Results bring her aunt two white eye. Well, to a bowl of porridge meat bones. Wife of shop-owner a handwritten up big iron spoon, with a big pot opened, suddenly a cold heat wave swept across the flesh congee fragrance pubi. She use big iron spoon in a pot, stir the mixture, and put a big bowl of porridge gave it to me. The bowl is gray, rice has cooked too see prototype, porridge surface with a few small also meat bone. I carefully tasted the, well, sweet sweet waxy waxy, the sticky shout. Don't really need to eat, as long as the drink will do. I so stood in the hot water stoves, took the bowl, shout shout to drink.for the first time meat bones porridge. The puppy like that a few pieces of meat hone clean. The bowl spent her aunt 5 cents. Later, her aunt told me, cooking meat bones is a lot of trouble. To meat bones (with some meat bones) cook up a few hours, and then put the new m tao well put in, and cook for another. Can't cook coke, the key point is to grasp the heat, and XiHuo slow have to just go. Finally put salt and MSG. So, the average family is not do meat bones porridge, time-consuming is not the drink. She also warned me, the meat bones porridge cannot eat more, because some of the boss to save money by guests had bones, back into the pot cooking. Also don't know she said is true or false. Anyway, after that, I never ate meat bones porridge, not because of health, but enough money in the pocket of distribution? But still, often to the meat bones porridge to shop, main is to see how they handle finish eat of the bone. But the wife of shop-owner seemed to understand my intention, and is always smiling hello I: little girl, to eat a bowl of ah. And then, I cut and run.
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