时间:2023-06-19 17:18
(蕃茄炒蛋美食天下)Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are as follows:1、Prepare ingredients: use five tomatoes and five eggs。2、The tomatoes were h
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are as follows:
1、Prepare ingredients: use five tomatoes and five eggs。
2、The tomatoes were half-cut and the nucleus was cut off. Scallion and scallion。
3、Pour the eggs into the plate, add half a tablespoon of salt, proper amount of pepper, add a little water in a key step and stir well until blistered. Eggs are tender with water。
4、Stir-fry the eggs with a shovel. Stir-fry the eggs into shredded eggs and set aside。
5、When tomato juice water, put in just fried eggs shredded, stir-fry quickly and evenly。
6、Fill the plate and scramble the eggs with tomatoes is finished。
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